Sunday, August 30, 2009

Awww...the difference a month makes!

So I chastise Scott for being a bad blogger and then I get to take the title. As Connor turned a month old yesterday he is awake a lot more and therefore I have less free time! Can you believe he is a month old already? He is getting so big...the photo below was taken last Wednesday, when he was 4 weeks to the day!

We have our one month well baby visit tomorrow and we're armed with a notebook of questions and I'm sure we will get all the answers tomorrow from baby Dr. B. Connor has gotten himself on a pretty good schedule - he takes a bottle every three or so hours about seven times a day. We are on night two of lots of sleep! He went to bed around 11:30 last night and got up about 7:00a. Yes, we know how lucky we are! I think it all starts with bath time...I think he likes it!

In other news the big brother turned two this past week! Yes, Yoshi got a little birthday party Thursday night. He got a birthday cake and some new toys. I'm sure he appreciated it!

We are off for a walk thru the neighborhood with baby and Yoshi. Wish us luck! BTW - I'll have lots of free time this week as the US Nationals start for Scott on Wednesday. Feel free to entertain me! :) Also, new photos are up on Flickr if you want to check them out,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

At least I add photos

Well I may not blog as much as I should but at least I add new photos and videos to the Flickr account. You can see more pictures like the one to the left of him rocking his Fauxhawk on his three week birthday!

Connor has been so much fun to hang with and we are all learning about him with each new day. Last night we figured out he was tired around 11:30 and once we got the second arm secured it was lights out for Connor. The amazing thing is that he slept until 7 this morning! That is the longest he has slept and let mom and dad get a full nights sleep!

I'm off to start the moving process into our new office building so I will talk to you all later! Don't forget to go to our picture page at!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Well, I slept in til noon today, if you can call it that! Connor was up from 5:30a to 8:30a and then back up at 9:30a. Scott got up with him at 9:30 and I went back to sleep! I'm sure I will pay for it later but man it was worth it at the time!

All is well today, just hanging out at home. I've uploaded some new photos on the Flickr site ( and Facebook if you want to check them out. Here are a few of our faves from the last week...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back to birth weight!

Connor's weight check went well - he is back to birth weight, 8 lbs. 14 oz. He's getting so big! It does go fast. I also had my doctor's appointment, I'm fine and I have been cleared to drive. Thanks to Grandma Nancy for going along to Connor's appointment. We don't have a baby mirror for my car and I wasn't ready to travel with him by myself so Mom went along to entertain him. She did a great job!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm a model...

Connor had his first photo shoot on Sunday and he was a star! He was the perfect sleeping baby model so you will see most of his photos with his sleepy face. Our friend Michelle (Coleman) Tiek - - came over and did a great job getting some wonderful photos. If you are buddies with us on Facebook check them out on my profile if you get a minute. As soon as we get the CD, we will get them uploaded to Flickr.

In other news Scott went back to work Monday and my first two solo days have gone just fine! Connor definitely misses Daddy though. Tomorrow I have my 2-week check up from surgery and Connor has a weight check in the afternoon. We also took Connor out to dinner last night - his first big meal was at Monical's in Avon which was ironically the last place Scott and I went to dinner before he was born exactly two weeks ago. We also had guests today - Sarah, Tracy, Tiffany and Kia all came to meet him!

It's hard to believe our little baby is going to be two weeks old tomorrow, but also still stunning that just two weeks ago I was still at work and pregnant. We are still getting used to it, but it certainly is wonderful!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Pediatrician Visit

First a photo because I know you just want to see the is a photo Scott took on his one week birthday.

Connor had his first pediatrician appointment on Thursday, he is doing so well! His weight has started going back up, he was 8 lbs. 7.5 oz and we go back next week for a weight check to make sure he is still growing. As much as he has been eating, I am pretty sure he will be fine! Our Doctor is another Dr. B so we will just call her Baby Dr. B so we don't get her confused with my Dr. B.

Things are going well at home - I keep asking Scott to post an update and by the time he gets a free moment it's time for bed! He heads back to work on Monday so I get to tackle Connor and Yoshi all by myself. Wish me luck!

We did get a chance to upload some photos to an online photo album - you can check it out here:

Most of the photos so far are from his first week. We have a friend of mine coming on Sunday to do a newborn photo shoot so I am sure we will have lots more in the coming weeks; not that we don't have a ton already!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We're home - and happy

We made it! We got home Saturday (the actual due date!) around 4:00 and so far so good! We had a fun ride home, it was just Scott, Connor and I. We are still in awe that we have a baby.

Connor has some very mild jaundice, Dr. F isn't too concerned but the poor guy has had way too many heel sticks lately. We were back yesterday for another, and go back again Thursday. Hopefully his bilirubin goes down and we can be done with that.

We have learned that it takes WAAAAYYYYYY longer to do things with a baby! We love it, but we haven't quite figured out how to time things yet. This is the third time I have tried to post. Between the sleeping (or lack thereof, the eating, the diaper changes, the clothes changes after he pees on us during the diaper changes, and the utter bewilderment it doesn't leave time for much else!

We are all well and our family is so grateful for everyone's love and support. We have some video and probably 1,000 photos...we will get those uploaded ASAP so you can all enjoy our little baby.