Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shades of Tan (and blue, and green, and....)

It has been a weekend of home improvement at the Smith house with ADD turned full on. We now have all three ceiling fans installed, the last one in the master bedroom being the most difficult and the least fulfilling. Isn't that how it always goes? Should have heard it last night, I believe it went like this -

Scott: Come hold this so I can shove these wires up the thingy.
Jaime: Okay.
Scott: *#*%(()%*Q)#%&*($&*%^#&%*#)&(*)q)&*q%*#$)%*)^&'
Jaime: I'm not helping anymore.

He got it done - looks good! Not as bright as expected but I never thought about that when we bought it. Stupid impulse buying. It is still very nice. we have to repaint!

It started with the baby's room, we found a great shade of blue and planned for a stripe of green. After a debacle now known as 'paint hate 09' we got the blue and green "samples" for the nursery. Of course we got sidetracked and got "samples" for the master bedroom and master bathroom as well.

Bad news #1: Striping does not work on textured walls. Don't even bother.
Bad news #2: Don't pay $15 for a 'sample' of paint. Choose something else.
Bad news #3: Back to Lowes for more paint choices for the master bedroom. Yeah - they laughed at us, it's okay. I know I can't make decisions.

Stay tuned - I will have photos tomorrow!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I want one too!

Well, Scott started a blog for work (check it out at and we had talked about getting our own for baby info so here we are!

Will it be all baby all the time? Who knows. We can't forget about our first family members. Bucky is our oldest all black kitty, she will be 9 (maybe? Scott can't remember) soon. Callie is our middle child who has a weight problem and she is our very originally named calico cat that just turned 4. The current youngest is Yoshi (see above!!) our Japanese Chin who is 1 and 1/2 and he is quite the manly dog as you can see.

I don't know what will be next so stay tuned. Can't leave without a baby photo so here you go. This is from our ultrasound 3/10 - as you can see it's a boy.