Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where does the time go?

When they tell you it goes fast once you have a baby, they aren't kidding! I can't believe it is already the end of September. Lots has happened since our last post with Connor so I'll just jump right in.

We had our Riley appointment on the 14th and met with Dr. S. He heard Connor's noises and recommended setting up some tests, and since Connor hadn't been fed yet they opted to do them that day since we were there. He had a brochoscopy and a nap study. Be forewarned the nap study photo isn't pretty but trust me he did just fine! It was just a lot of wires and tape sticking to him...take a look!

We headed back upstairs for a follow up with Dr. S and according to him they didn't see anything major, but diagnosed him with a moderate case of larengo malaysia. Basically his epiglotis is omega shaped and flops into the airway causing obstruction. At the time we left last week he wanted to see us back in a month for a follow up but again nothing major. Basically we left with some cool pictures of Connor's nose and throat. :)

Fast forward to yesterday and the nurse finally called with the "official" results of the nap study. Evidently they want to take the most extreme precautions because there were very few incidents of concern so now Connor is on an apnea monitor and oxygen while he sleeps. I'm coming to terms with it - I have some great stories on communication if you want to hear it - but I'm glad we have good insurance and we have the equipment and it's here if we need it. Connor doesn't mind it too much, I'm sure he will get used to it. He slept with the oxygen last night but by 7:30a this morning he'd had enough and got his arm out of the swaddle and pushed the oxygen off. I must say it was funny. We have a follow up sleep study in October, the follow up with Dr. S at the end of November and his 2-mo peditrician appt with baby Dr. B next week. We'll keep you posted.

Connor also enjoyed his first Monday Night Football game - the Colts eeked out a win. Here he is in all his Colts gear! Isn't he cute? The little black and white wires are for his monitor so they aren't too invasive. He evidently had control of the remote for the night too.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

One Month Stats

We had our Baby Dr. B appointment on Monday this week and here's Connor's stats:

Weight 10 lbs. 1/2 ounce, 53rd percentile
Height 21.75 inches, 55th percentile
Head 15.66 inches,82nd percentile

Still rockin' the slightly larger noggin but that is too be expected. He's doing very well. He still has a little issue with the squeaking so we are going to Riley next week to meet with the pulmonary specialist just to make sure the floppy airway is correcting itself. That is on the 14th of this month.

Right now Connor is enjoying some fun on his activity mat, he starting to learn his arms and legs can do things! He's awake quite a bit more, except for yesterday. He had a rough day Weds so he had many naps yesterday which gave me some free time to update the blog design.

I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day Weekend, Scott is out at the track for the Mac Tools NHRA US Nationals. It is definitely the busiest week/weekend of the year for him. Gramma Nella is taking her first turn as babysitter so I can go to the event tonight - can't wait!