Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin for our lil' punkin

Last weekend we took Connor to Beasley's Orchard in Danville for his first trip to the pumpkin patch. It was a bit chilly but with plans this weekend it was our last chance to go before Halloween. Here are are a few photos from the day...

We also had Connor's follow up sleep study at Riley on Tuesday, we won't have the results back until next week. I had a supposedly 'minor' outpatient surgery on Friday that turned into an overnight visit at Hendricks Regional so we are all recouperating while watching the Colts run over St. Louis. Needless to say it's been quite an eventful week!

We will be enjoying my last week of leave this week while Scott is home on vacation. We're starting to get a routine together as a little family and we couldn't be happier. :-)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Almost done...

Well mommy is on the way home and both Connor and I made it through the day!

Next up is Grandma Nella and Grandpa Vinnie will look after Connor while Jaime and I go out for our anniversary dinner! 


Time for Oprah and a show on hoarders...

So far so good!

Well it is around 3 and so far it has been a busy day with the Connor man.  After he had his lunch it was time for some play we hung out in the Swing but then next up was the Bumbo.  The felines of the family were a tad jealous and had to come up and see what was going on and Connor stared at them as they walked past.

Next was was another wonderful bottle of formula and then we tried to nap in the crib instead of one of the swings.  We got it cleaned off and he was wrapped up and put down for his nap.  He was really interested in the mobile but it kept him awake so we turned it off and fired up the Rain Forest toy.  That did the trick and he was out like a light!  He slept just lone enough for daddy to jump in the shower and get cleaned up!

Daddy was going to settle in for a little Hellboy II on the old DVR and just got his command center set up.  See the little monitor next to the Mac?  I felt like such the parent...

Daddy then thought since he was in such a deep sleep that his oxygen should be put on him and that is when things got ugly... Daddy put on the nose clip for the oxygen but he didn't care for that at all and started to fuss and fight.  Also with his arms out he was able to pull the canal off and get it off his face.  At that point he was awake, hungry and ticked off so it was wake up time for the Connor.

Well he got his bottle and things are calmed back down for the time being.  Hellboy is playing, daddy is going to get some ice cream and the little bear cub is relaxing in his bouncy!  

Check back after a bit~   


Connor is out so I'm going to clean and watch some TV. But I've found out there is nothing on this time of the day... I should not have erased those old Family Guys off the DVR...

Alone with Daddy for the day

Scott here. Jaime is at a conference for the day and this will be my first full day of baby sitting Connor.


During the day I'm going to give an update so mommy can find out how the day went...
Little dude woke up around 8:45 and after a minute of playing it was noticed that he was in the need of a diaper change and then breakfast for Connor!!!!

Following a delicious breakfast of homemade pancakes, bacon and toast pureed into the bottle Connor was ready to face the day. (Please note pancakes, bacon and toast = formula) Here he is following a diaper change and dressed for the day.

It is now about 10 and we are playing on the couch and I think it is getting close to his first nap time of the day.

We will check in during the day! Yoshi says "This is going to be a long day..."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy two months to me!

Connor had his two month 'anniversary' of his birthday this week on Tuesday. Things are going well with the monitor and the oxygen, we have gotten somewhat used to it. The monitor hasn't gone off at all so that is good. He is on the oxygen at night and we will be adding his morning nap in this week. He doesn't like it AT ALL but we know it's the best option so we will keep it up until we get the all clear from the docs. He has a follow up nap study October 20th and hopefully he will have grown enough the stop the oxygen, fingers crossed.

We also had his two month well baby visit and he got his first round of vaccines. He did not like them! I tried to tell him it was no big deal since I gave myself two shots a day the entire time I was pregnant but sympathy wasn't for him. He was shocked at first, then he took a deep breath and wailed like we haven't heard before. Even though he fell asleep right afterwards and slept for hours Daddy still felt like he needed a new toy. Looks like we are going to be those parents. He is now the proud owner of a glow seahorse, that I keep calling a sea monkey. Photos are on Scott's camera so I will post those later. His two month stats are:
Weight 12 lbs. 4.5 ounces, 63rd percentile
Height 23.75 inches, 78th percentile
Head 16.25 inches,80th percentile

We have added a new activity to our day and that is the bumbo seat! He likes being Mr. Independent and sitting on his own, take a look...

He also has found a paci he LOVES...classy, right? Scott says it's okay because the skull is smiling.

Things are slowing down on the work schedule for Scott, and I have plans to go back to work next month. We are heading out this morning for the Scarecrow contest in Danville and then Connor is going to spend some QT with Gramma Nella while Scott and I go shopping. If you are near Danville the scarecrows will be up through the 3rd weekend of October around the Courthouse Square. They are so creative! I'll try to post pics of our visit later this week. In other news, Scott and I will have our four year anniversary later this week on the 8th. Time flies, right?