Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's a milestone!!

We had my rescheduled doctor's appointment today and all was well! The doctor was very happy - baby boy has reached viability outside the womb - YEAH!!!!!! Our next 'get to' date is 32 weeks then I won't have to deliver at a NICU facility and from there 34 weeks is the ulitmate goal with lung maturity. We got a working DVD this time, and some pics. I will have Scott try and add them tonight.

I have the GTT test May 12th and we scheduled all my remaining appointments. The growth scan was good - baby weighed 2 lbs 9 oz and was in the 88th percentile for growth so he doesn't feel we need to do another one until 32 weeks when they will do a NST and monitoring.

All good news! It was a nice way to end the week. We also spent some time with Mom & Dad last night shopping for baby. I think they were a bit overwhelmed. Evidently things are a bit different from when Jason and I were born!

Monday, April 20, 2009

All done!

I just wanted to tell the world I just got home from my last class! After 15 years and three different colleges I will graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing in a few weeks! It's pretty exciting. I got a lovely card from Scott and some very nice text messages from my friends. Thanks everyone! Scott's in charge of the party - someone will have to have a celebratory drink for me. I'll have to stick to some sparkling apple juice.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Oh baby....

Look what was here yesterday! Scott's really excited, I still can't figure out how we will get it all in the room!

More later - I am supposed to be doing my FINAL final ever for school and Scott is painting the bathroom. My paper is on procrastination... unfortunately not how to do it but how to avoid it. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Just a quick post to let everyone know the doctor's appointment on Tuesday went well! Baby boy's heartrate was 158 this time - he was pretty active that day. It was probably because my BP was a bit higher than normal but I now know not to go to the doctor after a work meeting! I had more bloodwork done as I do every month and no phone call so they must be happy with what they see.

Next appointment is in about two weeks - 4/28 - with an ultrasound! Dr. B is good about keeping tabs on baby and me so we will start the growth scans a little early at 26 weeks to make sure all is well.

Baby furniture is on track to be delivered on Saturday at 10:00 am, we are very excited. Lots of thanks to Emiley's mom for getting that squared away.

I also got a surprise from Scott today - he picked up the glider and ottoman as a baby present today! He did a great job picking it out - I am sure it will get tons of use. It looks like he did go shopping for baby stuff!

It's late off to bed - photos this weekend of the furniture so stay tuned!
Since it was pay day yesterday I wonder if I should go shopping for baby stuff?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Did I mention we've been painting?

More painting ensued today - but with help! Scott's mom, Annella, came to help paint the nursery a light, light blue color. After having such a dark bedroom we are big fans of light color right now. This one is called Artic Glacier from the Martha Stewart collection at Lowe's. Lowe's LOVES us right now. We are 7 1/2 gallons of paint in so far plus supplies. What did we ever do without a Lowe's three miles down the road??

We had a great lunch of fancy egg salad, pasta salad and tomato mozzarella salad, along with chocolate chip cookies. How's that for healthy? Yoshi got to go on a long, long walk today. He's been asleep the last few hours - I think he is a bit worn out!

The good news is the room is painted! The baby furniture is getting delivered next Saturday the 18th. Have I mentioned I love buybuy BABY? Best baby store ever. They will set up the furniture - all three pieces - for just $25 when the deliver it! Here's the finished product:

We have our next baby doctor appointment on Tuesday, should just be a routine check-up. We will keep you posted. Have a lovely Easter with your families.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Still buzzing from the fumes...

What a busy weekend around the Smith house! As Jaime said it has been Paint Fest 2009 at the house and so far so good. The master bedroom looks great and now we just have to do the main bath and nursery... They shouldn't take too long to do so hopefully over the weekend we will get it 100% finished.

Painting is kinda fun and lets the mind wonder. Thinking of future vacations, playing in the yard and all that fun stuff we have to look forward to with the little one. For first vacation I'm thinking Gulf Shores... But the commercial we saw for that place in the Bahamas looked pretty cool as well...

But I'm sure there will be many diapers to change and swimming lessons before we go play in the ocean...

Well I need to go blog for work, how odd does that sound, talk to you all later!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Primer - check. Brushes - check. Paint - check.

I'm not a good blogger it appears! This week was super busy and next week will be too. On the home improvement front all the ceiling fans are done, the master bedroom is repainted, the nursery has the trim paint done and the master bathroom is 1/2 way primed. Scott really outdid himself this week! Here is the before photo of the master bedroom in progress (like the color blocks? Did I mention I am terrible with decisions?):

and here is what we have now!

The new color is a light tan, I know it looks white in the photo but it's not! Leave it to us to repaint the only rooms in the house that were ever painted! LOL! It was always too dark and we tend to go overboard and do way too much when we start a project. More photos to come as the progress continues.

In baby news we had an appointment this week and all was well! His hearbeat was 136 BPM, and we are 23 weeks and 1 day today! We are all registered at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us. Mom and I went shopping yesterday, it was a lot of fun! She got to see the furniture, bedding and much more! Here is photo of the bedding (note this is not our room!):
I will try and get Scott to do a post this week, I am sure he has much more to say.