Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Well I wanted to let everyone know that baby Connor Robert Smith arrived today at 6:09 p. m.!  He was 8 pounds 14 ounces, 21 inches long and is ha
ppy and healthy!  Mom is doing well and taking a nap so she can get so much needed rest. 

We, well Jaime, had him C-section and that was quite a whirlwind.  We went from two people with not a care in the world to PARENTS in like 25 minutes.  I think when one doctor asked if DAD wanted to hold him I think I said, "Who, me?"  It was so amazing watching all the people check him out and make sure he was doing well but once they put him in my arms it felt so amazing and such a strong connection.  I know he doesn't know me from Adam but the when I talk to him he does seem to calm down a bit so maybe the time talking to him before he was born was helpful.  I have fed him 
and while that isn't my strong suit I'm sure I will get the hang of it.  I'm also a little nervous when I hold him but I don't think I'm going to break him.  

I do have to say that all the people at Hendricks Regional Health have been nothing but amazing.  It is neat that we have known most of the people that have cared for us but all the doctors, nurses, staff, etc. have been great to us.  It was pretty cool having the CEO and the second in charge stop by your room to see how your doing!  It is true, They do Treat People better...  

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't be happier for you both. Congratulations and welcome to the world beautiful Connor Robert! The Bean family can't wait to meet this new little man that has stolen both your hearts.
    Give Jaims and Connor my love and lots and lots of baby kisses for me!!!
