Sunday, June 12, 2011

Congratulations Sara & Zach!

Scott's 'baby' cousin got married yesterday and it was a beautiful wedding, great reception and a wonderful day. The Davisons are great, and Connor loves spending time with all of his cousins. He was a wild man at the reception (but that's what a 45 minute nap will bring you!).
I love this photo of Connor and MaKenna even though it's overexposed. They have such a special relationship and he adores her!

Here he is with MaKenna and Kendall. Kendall has twin baby sisters on the way and is one of the brightest kids I know. She said she had to carry Connor so she could practice for the babies, and she said 'Yep, he's about the same size as two babies.'

Here he is with Lainey and Tyler. All the girls had their matching flower dresses and ironically Connor and Tyler were dressed alike! Ty is a hoot - we love seeing him and Lainey is Connor's bestest bud - they spent a lot of time together and I credit Lainey for how funny he is. She has the best laugh.

Boys will be boys right? Ty and Connor trying to nap on Lainey's fancy dress.

Connor went home with Nana - and we got a full night's sleep! Actually Scott is still asleep...should I wake him? Here's 'Nana' with her brother, the father of the bride.

Here is the new Mr. & Mrs. They look so young, but they are wise beyond their years and will be a fabulous couple, and someday hopefully, amazing parents.
It was fun to be there yesterday, the reception was the same place that Scott and I had ours, West Chase Golf Club. I was reminded of that day and the rough things we've been through since then - 3 years of infertility treatments, the death of Scott's dad, and most recently the opportunity to take on the care of his Dad's parents. Your vows really do mean 'for better or for worse'. For all the worse above, the better that comes is so worth it.

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